MSN Chat June 17, 2000
"Dish Diva" : Isaac to MSN Live! It's great to see you!
"Dish Diva" : Deanna, Gena and Marissa in New York ask: Great seeing you on Thursday at the Songwriters event. Now that you have accomplished so many goals. What is next for you after the Tour?
Hanson_ : After this tour, hopefully there's a lot more to come. Thursday was a dream come true, and amazing experinece. Meeting James Taylor, Carol King, and Neil Diamond was amazing.
"Dish Diva" : zacs_runaway Asks: What has been the highest moment of your career so far?
Hanson_ : I think the highest moment of my career was last night. Being onstage with so many incredable performers and song writers.
"Dish Diva" : CarolinefromSweden Asks: I've noticed that at the end of If Only on the album someone says "There's a lot of good stuff in there". (I totally agree ) Well, curious as I am I wonder WHO it is and if there's any reason THAT quote is at the end of that song. Can you tell me? )
Hanson_ : The voice that you hear at the end is John Popper and he was referring to the takes he did on the harmonica, he sas saying that was a good one, we should take some from that take and we thought it was funny so we put it on at the end of the song.
"Dish Diva" : Down Asks: Are you guys satisfied with the current direction of your music?, any plans to delve into a bit of the harder rock side or acoustic type material? and how much of the music do you guys write yourself?
Hanson_ : We wrote everything on this record ourselves and it pretty much has been that way since the beginning. The same with this record, we wrote the whole record. We wouldn't really be able to tell you where the next record will go, music is always evolving and things will always change. Also yes, we're satisfied with the current record.
"Dish Diva" : sisqo says: When do you think you will make a new cd?
Hanson_ : Sisqo, well I have to tell you it's about a year down the road unfortunately. There will be a lot more music available on tour. So come see us, we'll be announcing tour dates very very soon.
"Dish Diva" : hansonGuyFan2000 says:Will there be a clip of them singing the Beach Boys song on Hansonline or
Hanson_ : We're hoping to post a version of "God Only Knows" on the website sometime soon.
"Dish Diva" : bonnabe says: question for hanson:Congratulations for getting to #1 on TRL....Do you know when the tour dates will be out? And how did come about (im a member it is really cool)
Sysop_Sam : whisper them
Hanson_ : We're going to be annoucing our tour dates, hopefully in the next week. As regards to, it's become a world-wide fan club and we wanted to make it available to fans around the world. Just an extensive fansite more extensive than
<MSN EventManager>**CHAT NOW** with recording artists Hanson! To join the chat and the excitement go to
"Dish Diva" : Leslie says: When do u think you will be making a new video and what song do u think it will be?
Hanson_ : Leslie, we actually have not decided yet. Right now we're primarily focused on "If Only" getting it played on the radio and on MTV. You guys are doing a great job of requesting it. Keep it up!
"Dish Diva" : LittlePrettayITZ Asks: Hey Guys, I would like to know what a song to sing is about... I love that song and I know what I interpret it as but what do feel that the song means?~Allyson~15~NJ
Hanson_ : The song is about a lot of things. One of the points made in the song is talking about someone who is so down and out, kind of lost in their own depression, that they're not willing to admit they they are depressed and lost. The other part of the song is talking about that sometimes people need something to turn to. They need a friend or a song to
Hanson_ : turn to to get through some emotion they are feeling. And that's just part of the song.
"Dish Diva" : Silvia n Laura says: Why have you decide to put animals in your latest videos? I mean otto(the mouse)and the spider.. silvia and laura from spain
Hanson_ : That was really Dave Myers idea. It wasn't something anyone thought about, it was just one of those things. The rat in "This Time Around" was meant to istablish that the place we were performing is was old and decrepid. And the spider was a bug in the desert.
"Dish Diva" : IfOnlyHitzChick Asks: What was the last "Hanson does stupid stuff" thing you guys all did together?
Hanson_ : I don't know, we acted like ourselves? <laugh>
"Dish Diva" : InTayzEyes Asks: Last tour you covered a few old songs, are you going to do this same this tour? - Linds, NJ
Hanson_ : Yeah, we'll always throw in covers and continue to play other songs that we enjoy from other artists of the past. So yes, you will be hearing more covers and more old music on our new tour.
"Dish Diva" : Amanda9 says: What do you feel when you see your fans from diferents countries singing yours songs if they don't speak English?
Hanson_ : Well it's very very cool. We would have never imagined that we had fans around the world. We would have never had any idea. We're constantly amazed.
"Dish Diva" : Isaac, thanks a lot for joining us today! Have a great concert today!
Hanson_ : Thanks again everyone for coming to the chat, Here's Zac.
"Dish Diva" : Zac, welcome to MSN Live! It's great to see you!
Hanson_ : Hi to everybody!
"Dish Diva" : ImRainbowBrite Asks: Who, besides your parents are the greatest motivation to continue music?
Hanson_ : I don't think there's one person in particilar, just the joy of music and loving to do it. I don't really have one person in particular.
"Dish Diva" : Malin5 says: How do you make Isaac laugh himself to death?
Hanson_ : You do something funny.
"Dish Diva" : Ikes_Jeannie says: What is going through your minds when a fan is crying hysterically in front of you? Jeannie~16~Seattle, WA
Hanson_ : What did I do? Goes through your mind. Or They must have a facial gland problem.
"Dish Diva" : LiquidSunshine Asks: Hey guys, I'm Pat from Germany. I was just wondering as songwriters, do you listen to bands like Matchbox 20? And what songwriters do you look up to?
Hanson_ : You look up to great artists from songs you enjoy. Obviously the Beatles and other rockers that did amazing songs. As a song writer you listen to all kinds and it effects you in ways you don't realize. In a subconscious way you incorporate that sound in some way in your music.
"Dish Diva" : Mmmbop Asks: Congrats on making number1 on TRL this past Wednesday! How did you guys feel?
Hanson_ : Well Congratulations to you guys! The fans are the ones that did it and you are awesome to call them that much. And it's really cool to know that your fans want to see your video.
"Dish Diva" : teddy-bear says: Do you really have a dog called WICKED?
Hanson_ : No. It's dead.
"Dish Diva" : Any new pets?
Hanson_ : No.
"Dish Diva" : thistimearound3 Asks: Hanson, whos going to be your opening act on tour? Can u give us a few hints? hehe
Hanson_ : We do not know who's going to be the opening act yet. We're still figuring out scheduling and we're not done scheduling the tour. But you'll know when we know.
"Dish Diva" : AF chiks says: Who's the coolest person you've gotten to meet in the past few years?
Hanson_ : Well we met a few days ago Paul McCartney, Brian Wilson, James Brown. We were at The Songwriter's Hall of Fame, so it would that whole event.
"Dish Diva" : MagiksNThgemakeUp says: MagiksNTheMakeUp: For me to write I have to be in a "mood" I guess. When do you guys find the best time to write? Or is it just something that pops in your head and you need pen and paper right than?
Hanson_ : Generally song writing is a natural process, something pops into your head. When a song comes into your head, I don't think anyone knows how it happens. That's sort of the magic of songwriting.
"Dish Diva" : Dorkette Asks: hey guys! my name is Kris, I'm 15 and I live in Orlando, FL. I was wondering if there was any song on this new album that was hard to write the lyrics or music to?
Hanson_ : One song that was harder to finish was "Can't Stop". Finishing the song was hard because we had to do the rest of the songwriting process. We had started it much earlier.
"Dish Diva" : HansonCrazy13 Asks: Which song is the one that you enjoy the most performing live?
Hanson_ : It's really fun to perform live period. It's always fun to perform covers like "Shake Your Tail Feather" and of course performing your music live is always fun.
"Dish Diva" : hansonfan1 says: I have loved your music for so long! Thank you for chatting with us this afternoon! All my friends are here! Dani, Heather, Chloe, Jayna and Maddie would like to know: What one word do you like the most? Our favorite word is Hanson!
Hanson_ : Hi.
"Dish Diva" : Clever!
"Dish Diva" : angelbabe says: What is your most favorite place you have visited and why?
Hanson_ : I think I enjoy Tulsa, OK because generally when we're there, we're not working.
"Dish Diva" : "california girl" Asks: How difficult is it for you to go out in public like just to the mall or to a movie?
Hanson_ : It's ok.
"Dish Diva" : Zac, thanks for being with us this afternoon!
Hanson_ : It's fine, generally you don't have a problem. Sometimes you have people asking for an autograph, but that's fine.
"Dish Diva" : Taylor, it's great to meet you!
Hanson_ : Hey everybody, thanks for coming to the chat. Throw me some questions.
"Dish Diva" : MANDEE says: What song on the new CD has the most meaning to you and why? Amanda~14~Temecula, CA
Hanson_ : I think all the songs mean a lot to me, to all of us. I think it's always a really hard thing to say. If the other guys were asked this question, they probably talked about the last song released. I think "A Song to Sing" means a lot to us, it capped off the album.
"Dish Diva" : PJ says: Taylor, do you like your nickname, Tay? Do you have any other nicknames?
Hanson_ : Well all my friends call me Tay, so I'm cool with it. I don't have many other nicknames.
"Dish Diva" : dragonfly Asks: Everyone is talking about how you guys have changed. Do you think you have changed in a drastic way?
Hanson_ : Well I mean we definitely have changed, if we didn't change something would be wrong. The music and we have evolved. It's not a drastic thing, it's just grown and changed. Hopefully we'll keep growing, and improving and you will keep enjoying it.
"Dish Diva" : Edele Asks: Do you guys still own the "world famous Hanson garage"?
Hanson_ : Yes we still own our garage. Yes, it still exists.
"Dish Diva" : DitzE911 says: I noticed at Zootopia and Providence Taylor danced during "In the City" is this going to be a regular thing now? ;p-Kristen, NY
Hanson_ : I wouldn't catagorize it as dancing. I just figured to get up from behind the keyboard and make it more fun for everyone. So come to the show and find out!
"Dish Diva" : blink6 Asks: I was wondering if you Hanson brothers have bonded more as brothers being in a group together or are you still as close as you have always been?
Hanson_ : We've always been really close, we've spent a lot of time around each other. In many ways being in the band has been benificial for our relationship. I guess it could go both ways, but our relationship has always been really good. And more and more from being in a band.
"Dish Diva" : Felicia in The UK asks: Hi Guys! I would like to know what fun stuff you take on tour with you to keep yourself busy. Any electronic toys, video games, your pets? Love you!
Hanson_ : We do take stuff on the road with us. When we're on tour we take Play Station and N64 that we take with us. We also take a laptop, gameboy, and things to entertain. CDs, books.
"Dish Diva" : iznogood2 says: Hi guys ! I'm Cyrielle from Geneva, Switzerland !! How are you ? Ok, here's my question : I think, Nietzche said "without music life would be a mistake" do you agree ?
Hanson_ : Thanks for chatting with us. I'm not sure the world would be a mistake without music, but I think it's a big part of the world now. I know it's a big part of my life and I hope it will always be there, I hope that never changes.
"Dish Diva" : You mentioned books on tour. . .Hanson Fan says: What is the most recent book you have read?
Hanson_ : I was actually reading Moby Dick. Kind of an odd one, but most recent.
Hanson_ : I think I'm going to jump into "The Fountainhead."
"Dish Diva" : Hanson_Twins^ Asks: Which track is going to be released and would it be released all over the world at the same time?
Hanson_ : What the 3rd single is, is still in debate. I would hate to say one thing and it be something else. I would guess it would either be "RunAway Run" or "Save Me."
"Dish Diva" : BeachGirl says: I would like to know. .. what is your favorite thing in the world?
Hanson_ : I think it's impossible to say you have one favorite thing in the whole world. I would have to say music is one of the most important things to me and my life. It's probably one of the most important things. In your life, your family, friends and doing something you enjoy and music is definitely that.
"Dish Diva" : carolina says: Taylor, any great fan moments that stand out in your mind?
Hanson_ : There's a lot. There's so many great things that people send us either letters, amazing gifts, or meeting someone that it means a lot to them. I think one of the coolest things we get to do is charity events. It's really an awesome feeling. We get so many letters from fans that say things about their lives being changed and that's a great feeling.
"Dish Diva" : Our last question is Olivia_in_Sydney says: G'Day guys! I would like to know what you wish fans knew about you.
Hanson_ : Here's the weird thing, there's an amazing amount of things that fans know about me, but there's pleanty that they don't. I think you guys probably know enough. <laugh>
"Dish Diva" : Taylor, Zac, Isaac, it's great to see you this afternoon!
Hanson_ : Thanks everyone for coming and chatting from all over the world. I hope you're enjoying the new album. We'll talk to you soon, bye.